By-laws of the Association
Board of Directors & General Meetings of Wednesday, October 7th, 2009 and of June 10, 2010
ARTICLE 1: denomination
It is founded between the signatories of the present by-laws an association governed by the law of 1 July 1901 and the decree of August 16 1901 whose name is: CENTRE IANNIS XENAKIS.
The duration of the association is unlimited.
ARTICLE 2: Objectives
This association, created on the initiative of Iannis Xenakis as the Ateliers UPIC, aims to promote contemporary and electro-acoustic music, in France and worldwide. It works towards the promotion, implementation, exploitation, development and production of educational activities, creation (commissions, residencies, workshops, musical events, recordings ...), research and diffusion (concerts, performances, festivals, CDs, DVDs, books ...) in different fields of contemporary music following the thinking and work of the composer Iannis Xenakis, in his musical, architectural, scientific and philosophical heritage by all appropriate means.
ARTICLE 3: Headquarters
The head office of the association is at the University of Rouen, History Research Group (GRHis), Lavoisier Building, Room L105, Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Rue Lavoisier - 76821 Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex.
It may be transferred by decision of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE 4: Members
The association is composed of
- Honorary members
- Active members. The members are co-opted by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Board of the association.
The title of honorary president is awarded by the Board to individuals who support or have often supported the actions of the association.
Membership of the Association is terminated by death or formal resignation.
ARTICLE 5: Resources
The resources of the association consist of:
- Subsidies from public authorities,
- Sums received in return for services provided by the association
- all resources authorized by the laws and regulations in force.
The association may receive donations and legacies.
ARTICLE 6: Board of Directors
The association is managed by a board composed of at least four active members, a maximum of eight active members appointed by the general assembly for a period of one year.
In case of vacancy, the Board provides temporary replacement of such members; permanent replacement occurs at the next general assembly. The term of board members so elected shall expire at the time that the mandate of the replaced member would have expired.
Board members may not receive any remuneration for their mandate. They can be refunded upon presentation of receipts of expenses they advance as part of their mandate.
ARTICLE 7: Meetings of the Board
The board meets at least twice a year, convened by its chairman or at the request of one third of its members.
The presence or representation of half of its members is necessary for the validity of deliberations. Each member may hold no more than two proxies.
If the quorum is not reached at the meeting on a first call, the council is convened again within less than a month and can then validly deliberate if at least three of its members are present.
ARTICLE 8: The Board shall elect a bureau consisting of:
- A president,
- one or two vice-presidents,
- a secretary,
- treasurer.
The bureau is elected for a term of one year; it meets at least three times a year, convened by its President.
ARTICLE 9: Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting consists of all members.
It meets at least once a year and whenever it is convened by the Board or on the request of one third of its members.
The invitations are sent at least 10 days before the date of the meeting and indicate the agenda set by the bureau.
Each member may be represented by another member with a written proxy, the number of powers held by one member can not be greater than two.
The General Assembly hears the reports on the management board, it votes on the budget and the financial statements of the association. The deliberations of the ordinary general meeting are voted on by raised hand with an absolute majority of those members present or represented. A secret ballot vote may be requested either by the Board or by one third of the members present.
ARTICLE 10: Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting, convened under the same conditions as the ordinary general meeting, must be convened for any amendments to the By-laws. Only an Extraordinary General Meeting can decide upon the dissolution of the association, its merger with another association having a similar object or a complementary subject and/or the allocation of the assets of the association.
To deliberate validly, the extraordinary general meeting must represent at least one third of the members; it shall act by a two thirds majority vote of the members present or represented.
ARTICLE 11: Rules of Procedure
The board may adopt a text of internal regulations determining the implementation details of these By-laws.
This regulation will be subject to approval of the general meeting as well as any amendments.
ARTICLE 12: Dissolution
The dissolution of the association can only be decided by an extraordinary general meeting convened for this purpose.